
it's baby time... / vrijeme je za bebe...

With this post I'm checking off for this year. I had in mind to publish few more posts, but preparations for a newborn occupies me the most. We can't wait to meet the sweet little one, and the baby is eager to meet us, too. I'm off to hospital tomorrow where I'll be celebrating New Year's Eve.
Full of faith that everything is going to be just fine, I'm wishing you happy holidays, lots of smile and sparkles in your eyes...

{Dragi moji, ovim člankom se odjavljujem sa bloga za ovu godinu, iako sam imala u planu još mnogo toga da objavim u decembru, jednostavno nisam stigla...najviše zbog priprema za novorođenče. Željno iščekujemo malog cvrčka, a i on žuri nas da upozna...tako da sutra odlazim u bolnicu gdje ću dočekati i Novu 2012.godinu. Sa vjerom da će sve biti u najboljem redu, želim svima lijepe praznike, osmjehe i iskre u očima...}

photo credit: Korie Lynn photography via On to Baby


before*after: kitchen & dining area / prije*posle: kuhinja i trpezarija

It's been a while since I promised before and after photos of my childhood home, and now it's the time to show you photos of kitchen/dining area. Changes are always welcome, especially in case when nothing has been changed for decades. I wish I could keep the old wooden furniture, but it wasn't an option as I live in a small apartment. All I can is to keep visualising how the table and chairs would look in crisp white, and commode in bright pink or some other intense colour.

{Mada sam poodavno obećala fotkice moje kuće iz djetinjstva, tek sada su došle na red. I to slikice kuhinje i trpezarijskog dijela. Možete i da uporedite kako je bilo nekad, a kako je sad. Promjene su uvijek dobrodošle, posebno u slučaju kada ništa nije mijenjano decenijama, pa vremenom gubi sjaj i draž. Voljela bih da sam mogla zadržati stari namještaj od drveta i preurediti ga po želji, ali to prosto nije bilo moguće jer živim u malom stanu. A zamišljam sto i stolice lakirane u bijelo a vitrinu i dugačku komodu vjerovatno u neku intenzivnu boju. Roze? uh, to bi izgledalo fantastično!}


love this space ...

When a room speaks to me at a very first glance - it's the real thing! It's obvious that my taste varies from simple interiors to a spaces full of details where you need at least few hours to discover all the beauty. What connects all of the spaces I love is the noticeably personal, casual feel full of character. This living room feels the same. Beautifully cluttered is the hallway too, and the nursery is so playful and interesting. This is the place I could live in!

{Prava stvar je kada me neki prostor oduševi već na prvi pogled. Kontrasti u mom ukusu su veoma očigledni... od pročišćenih, jednostavnih enterijera do naglašenih prostora sa puno detalja u kojima vam treba bar par sati da otkrijete sve čari. Ono što sve te ambijente povezuje je neka nehajna ali i karakterna atmosfera, što se vidi i u ovom dnevnom boravku. Pored dnevne sobe, fenomenalno natrpan je i hodnik, a dječija soba je s ukusom razigrana i zanimljiva. Totalno enterijer u kom bih mogla da obitavam!}  
spotted on: Parlour, via House To Home


prepare your home for winter / uredite dom za zimu

Is there anything better in winter than coming home to a warm and cozy place? Spending time with family and dear friends, baking delicious sweets and drinking hot chocolate, coffe, tea or hot red wine. If you're wondering what to do to make your home the coziest, there are some tips and inspiration photos
{Ima li išta bolje nego zimi provoditi vrijeme u svom toplom i udobnom domu? Druženje sa porodicom i dragim prijateljima dok se peku kolači i pije topla čokolada, kafa, čaj ili pak kuvano vino. Ako se pitate kako da učinite svoj dom još udobnijim, evo nekoliko smjernica i inspirativnih fotki}


PANTONE color for 2012 ... PANTONE boja 2012. godine

Every year Pantone reveals the color direction for interior design, fashion, cosmetics, and graphic design. Remember the color of 2011 - addictive Honeysuckle? For the upcoming year Pantone experts think we need to continue with bold, dramatic color as energy booster, so they chose an electric reddish orange hue named Tangerine Tango. Tangerines in my garden are exactly the same color this year :)


for all owl lovers... za sve ljubitelje sova

Maybe you already know about this, but it's new for me. I thought it's good idea to tell you about my discovery - free 2012 calendar. It's not just a calendar, but a great project between My Owl Barn site and many international artists. Owl Lover 2012 calendar  is amazing ... made of so many fabulously interesting owl illustrations. Don't you think it's a perfect Christmas gift to your family and friends or even a gift to yourself... You have options to create your own free calendar among lots of great artwork or you can simply download the pre-made version.


DO!TS magazine ... DO!TS časopis

Amongst loads of online magazines I longed for a regional one, because there is so much to be said and shown. My wish came true right on my birthday yesterday, when I discovered DO!TS - magazine about handmade crafts. Authors of this fabulous magazine are two incredible creative ladies, Ivona and Marina who love all sorts of dots. Don't hesitate to flip through all the amazing tutorials and creative ideas...I've already made some of them


stylish small: kitchen with dining nook {malo sa stilom:kuhinja sa trpezarijom}

I'm smitten with this stylish small. It shows that you don't have to give up on your style no matter how small or big the room is. Just be smart about space planning. When you make a good plan, you're half way done. Write down the purpose of the room, your wants and needs, collect inspiration tearsheets out of magazines or create an inspirational folder on your computer choosing just photos that truly moves you.


love this space...eclectic mix of classic and modern {inspiracija: eklektičan spoj modernog i klasičnog}

Sometimes it's not easy to find a photo of a space that speaks to you. I'm moody today, like a cloudy and rainy day outside. Nobody shouldn't be grumpy about that, especially since I could enjoy beautiful, warm and sunny weather until today. Anyway, it was hard for me to find the space I REALLY LOVE right now, where my reaction should be WOW - I want to live here! In the sea of inspirational files I decided on this space found on ApartmentTherapy RoomForColor2011 contest because it totally reflects what I love in interiors
{Nekad mi nije nimalo jednostavno naći prostor koji bi me oduševio, i tako je danas. Neraspoložena sam, nekako mračna, više apatična...nešto kao ovaj oblačan i kišni dan. To stvarno i nije neki razlog za neraspoloženje, posebno što je sve do danas vrijeme bilo i više nego predivno. Tek danas bi se reklo da je novembar. Elem, bilo mi je teško naći fotku prostora za koji bih rekla VAU - tu želim da živim! tako da sam se u moru inspirativnih slika odlučila za ovaj prostor sa ApartmentTherapy RoomForColor2011 takmičenja jer je definitivno oličenje mnogih stvari koje volim u enterijerima. Doduše, i to je od dana do dana...}


monday home tour: hot colors for fall {jedan dom: tople boje za jesen}

After loong break due to family obligations and finishing preparations for a baby, I hope to be regular on posting again. And what's better to start with but the sunny apartment with striking orange kitchen? (I would be very happy in it)

{eto, nakon ponovne pauze, nadam se da se vraćam regularnom pisanju. nadam se, jer mi ovo pričinjava veliko zadovoljstvo i žao mi je kada ne mogu da postignem pored porodičnih obaveza i posla...a uskoro stiže i novi član porodice :)
I čime je bolje opet početi, nego obilaskom sunčanog stana koji u sebi spaja klasičan namještaj sa retro bojama i detaljima u stanu...}


one home, one story - Paula Scher {1 dom,1 priča - Pola Šer}

Paula Scher is a world class graphic designer whose work is all over New York - logos, posters for big shows as well as hundreds of other designs that make up the visual static of the city. She is also an artist, painting huge, colorful maps with words and zip codes that may or may not be correct. She also participated in designing the Publikum calendar in 2007 in Belgrade, where she got inspired with Cyrillic. It is known that she designed a chandelier, a chair and a coffee table inspired by letters of the Serbian alphabet, but I couldn't find the photos :(
{Pola Šer je grafička dizajnerka svjetskog glasa, a Njujork je prepun njenih radova - logoa, postera za važne događaje kao i stotine drugih radova koji vizuelno upotpunjuju grad. Pola je takođe i umjetnica koja slika predimenzionirane i šarolike mape, načičkane nazivima gradova, mjesta i naselja kao i poštanskim brojevima ne vodeći računa mnogo da li je sve napisano ispravno ili ne. 2007 je učestvovala u dizajniranju dobro poznatog Publikum kalendara, upoznajući se tako sa ćiriličnim pismom. Inspirisana nekim slovima azbuke i abecede dizajnirala je luster, stolicu i klub stočić...ali na žalost, nisam uspjela pronaći fotografije}
Paula Scher 's home via NewYorkSocialDiary


Interior spaces with a global wibe... guest post by Arcadian Lighting

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you're full of energy for the week ahead of us. Today we're talking about diferent ethnic interior decor I love to see implemented. Thanks to Arcadian Lighting for contributing to my blog! Arcadian Lighting is the best source for home lighting accessories at discount prices. Founded in 2002, Arcadian Lighting started selling decorative home lighting fixtures and lamps online, and has become one of the top Internet retailers for home lighting products.

With the emergence of new media and technology, the world truly is becoming a “Global Village” and cultural hybridization is seeping into every aspect of our lives. This phenomenon has also been witnessed in the A&D world, as many modern homes are an intriguing juxtaposition of eastern aesthetics with western sensibilities. Ethnic interior décor is no longer a niche trend and has been gaining popularity, since it infuses drama and panache in a home. If you want your home to reflect a more global perspective, then you can start by purchasing ethnic throw pillows, signature lighting fixtures, unique wall art or even exotic artifacts. You can also zero into a theme or a country and then decorate accordingly. Listed below are some great examples and tips of ethnic inspired interiors that have a modern sensibility and don’t fall into the kitschy trap.
Magical Morocco
Interior Spaces with a Global Vibe
Inspired Goodness (via)


inspiring kid's rooms

28941_0_4-9335--I'm all about kid's rooms now. How strange, right? :) It's almost the only thing I see everywhere on the internet. While preparing this post with inspiring rooms for kids, I found a few showing exactly what I wanted for my 3 year old boy's room he will be sharing soon with his baby brother or sister. I've already wrote about us(parents) moving into living room, freeing up the space for him - to have his own kingdom... We didn't do that yet, but now's definitely the time!


love this space...wallpapered bright dining

prretty space via the brides cafe tumblr
Would it be great to wake up in the morning, having tea with cookies by that window...watching all year's season changes. Interesting contrast of masculine/feminine: wire chairs and floral wallpaper


puffy pendants...maybe DIY?

Paper, plastic bags, coffee filters or anything crossing your mind can be used for creating a modern and original light fixture. Great idea for do-it-yourself project whether you need a pendant or table lamp to create a statement in your home. Rounded, fluffy, interesting pendants (or any home decor items) are irresistible to me. Allison Patrick @ Zipper8Lighting shop on etsy creates lovely light fixtures out of round paper lanterns.
Zipper8lightning etsy shop1


{reader's redesign} Aida's natural style / {pomoc citaocima} Aidin prirodni stil

 Several months ago Aida asked me to help her choose furnishings and colors for her home in renovation as well as how to make better use of available space. She wanted airy, cozy and welcoming space with lots of wooden details. The ceiling is very low (2.2m) so intense or dark colors were not an option. Light and natural colors with proper lightning could make the space feel higher and more comfy.aida tlocrt bolji


organized and multifunctional / organizovano i prakticno

September means the school started, we're all back to full time jobs rested and the vacation (if there were any) is over...so, to make things easier to handle, I propose you to make your command station or home office colorful and organized. Here are two ideas I like the most
multifunctional command center via the inspired room and BetterHomesAndGardens 

could I live without magazines? no!

Today I finally got my copy of Casaviva Serbia mag - September issue. As always - it's full of fabulous, functional and cozy ideas for living as well as useful information about design world, new products, great travel places and cultural events. (btw - that home featured on the cover is stunning. I'll blog about it these days)
casaviva srbija naslovnica septembar


focus on designers: Marko Vuckovic

He is extremely talented and passionate industrial designer from small town Bor in Serbia, graduated at Polytechnic University of Belgrade where I studied graphic design. I mentioned him before, but now I found his website and I'm blown away with his ideas in product design. Marko has a great visual taste and he won several awards in that field. His work was also published in design orientated magazines worldwide.
Three products he designed that I would love to have in my home:
R chair by Marko Vuckovic


back to blogging...

Hello there...I'm back to blogging, rested, almost full of energy (I'll explain why a bit later) and happy. As I disappeared without any explanation, I bet some of you wonder what happened? well...I got pregnant. First trimester I was sleepy and everything bothered me and I just wasn't able to sit in front of computer more than 5 minutes, which is not enough to turn it on and write something. I didn't even checked my emails.
vintage decorating via periodliving co uk via Period Living on PassionDecor tumblr


home of interior designer Lisa Teague

Today we're visiting this delightful home belonging to designer Lisa Teague, and photographed so beautifully by James Salomon. Lisa is known for her keen sense of color and custom wall finishes, which are clearly demonstrated in her amazing home!  Her home boasts a view of the Picataqua River, and Lisa said she kept pretending it was a boat and outfitted it as such. She said that even though it's only 700 sq ft (65m2), it functions beautifully. Lisa teaches classes in color concepts and organic plasters and finishes. She also has a blog filled with inspiration and great photos! For more of her work, view her website here, and for more from James, head here!
home of LisaTeague6 via HouseOfTurquoise


stylish small ... pops of bright colors

Another small but stylish and completely functional apartment. I've probably found it via one of the real estate agencies in Norway, but back then I did not write down links and tags...assuming it's impossible to forget the source of such a gem. Well, I forgot it, of course.
All decorating styles can work in a small apartment as well as in big ones, except everything should be at scale and a bit simplified. Considering how most people don't know their style, wanting modern home for easy living and cleaning, this light and airy apartment with pops of bright colors is perfect.


stylist Camilla Krishnaswamy

I find out about Swedish stylist Camilla Krishnaswamy via Emmas designblogg. Camilla's portfolio is aspiring and playful, full of extremes like dark set vs light and white... delicate objects vs rough textures


Balkan breeze ... loft designed by Tina Kurpez

For today's Balkan breeze I've found lovely, tiny but completely functional loft in Zagreb, Croatia. This loft is designed by interior designer Tina Kurpez, from Karas studio, who finds professionally challenging and inspirational creating cozy, modern and functional home besides the slopes.
attic designed by Tina Kurpez2


grey + white kitchen / siva i bijela u kuhinji

It's springtime... For a week now I am all into spring cleaning every detail, and I can tell you - it feels GOOD! My head is always full of redecorating ideas but it is hard to make my husband say YES. All I need is to make him realize that my way is better way. He doesn't care too much for design anyway...but he also doesn't like to be much involved into decorating process.

passionfinds 8 april'11

during time I've collected photos, thoughts, ideas...I believe worth mentioning and remembering. weekly passionfinds will be the sum of those useful and interesting links (hopefully for you,too)
tulip table DufnerHeighes interior via HOUZZ


StylishSmall ... Hilda Grahnat's home

Hello everybody! Very interesting, thrifty, vintage, cozy apartment was featured on Apartment therapy recently. Hilda Grahnat is a freelance photographer, graphic designer and flea market addict as she explains on her blog. I find her apartment very cozy, interesting and creative.
Hilda grahnat home


passionfinds 7

 during time I've collected photos, thoughts, ideas...I believe worth mentioning and remembering. weekly passionfinds will be the sum of those useful and interesting links (hopefully for you,too)
bench of kitchen el via aubrey and lindsay's blog


a glimpse into ...

the home I used to live in with my parents. It's 1970 house, survived a strong earthquake in '79, and it hasn't changed since it was built. Now it is completely renovated, all plumbing and electric fixtures are brand new and layout is a bit changed. This time I'm just showing you dining room after photo and floor plans before and after. All before/after photos with some explanation will be posted soon.
013 tunedstan hn za novineParents's home after 
Are you curious to see more? What do you think so far?
*all photos belongs to PassionDecor


I want this!

These incredible beautiful hand-blown glass light pendants are designed by Esther Patterson of Curiousa & Curiousa.  A light piece can be hung as a single pendant, a double pendant is consisted of a stem and shade or multiple drops can be used as part of a chandelier.
single_glass_lights CuriosaAndCuriosa via ChicTip

passionfinds 6

*during the week I collect photos, thoughts, ideas...I believe worth mentioning and remembering. weekly passionfinds will be the sum of those useful and interesting linksadore home magazine 

color palette ... timeless classic

After several spring-y days it's much colder AGAIN...Strong wind is blowing so it's the perfect time to get cozy in your home. Earth tones feels like you just want to sit around, drinking tea and reading a good book you didn't have time for.
This color palette is perfect for ethno style (like shown on the photo) but can also work for mid-century, or contemporary style. Would you use it in your home?
timeless classic


Inspired by Paris

After reading post about Paris on new-to-me Croatian blog about life, travel, great and not-so-great places to enjoy coffee ... I was thinking: Do I Want To Visit Paris? can you believe what am I asking myself? and the answer is WHO WOULDN'T?! I don't care it is way too expensive, crowded, chaotic...I would be smitten to go there
More than Paris, I would love to visit villages and small cities in France...to feel the true spirit of that incredible country. Someday I will go, and you will be amongst first to know :)
Meanwhile, I found some photos of inspiration. Places for rent in Paris. If someone can't go to Paris, one should make the Paris come to him


home of Dora iz Londona

Thanks to Kristina at Miss Decor studio, I found out about Dora iz Londona who left a comment on Kristina's blog. Sometimes one awakes my curiosity to find out who's behind that name. I'm happy to find Dora iz Londona, because her home in London is so beautiful. I love it! You will do, too...and I'm sure some of you'll consider asking them to move in :)dora iz londona flickr photostream12


living in the attic / udobnost u potkrovlju

Everyone's talking about spring...and that's just the way it should be. Spring is the most beautiful time of the year, colorful, warm, making us happy and full of energy. Interesting thing is: it seems I'm especially drawn to attics in spring time. It was almost a year ago, April as well, when I wrote about attic. Funny, don't you think?
Lovely space I'm showing you today is SO cozy, perfect to fully enjoy in the morning sun. Neutral and natural palette goes well in any time of the year. The tricky part of attic is always the short wall below the slope, and it's usually the best place for well organized storage. In this example the storage boxes are used as seating as well.


stylish small ... everything in 40sqm

This apartment is very narrow and difficult to organize and decorate. Difficult but not impossible. Light floor and white walls gives the apartment so much needed luminosity  and natural light, making it seem like lot bigger. Wall shelves architecturally integrated, allows accessories to pop and not overwhelming the space. Focal point of the living space is wall art Blanca San Martin's design. Another focal point is black sofa, which maybe could be white or light grey, but this one really creates drama in white space. Perfect for young person...exploring itself and life.
Kitchen is functional, also blending in without unnecessary details like door knobs, kitchen accessories on the counter...etc. As you can see, and it's quite often in Europe ...to put washing machine in the kitchen. To divide different areas, glass panels are used which are almost unnoticeable.
salon_cocina_reference via casadiez elle es

Fiona Douglas's home...flowers,birds and butterflies

The first photo (I'm sure it made you breathless) is the cover of the latest Adore Home magazine...which is really to adore :) Inspired by the spring and the upcoming Easter Holidays, latest issue is full of bold floral and colorful patterns. Don't know about you, but I love online magazines as much as printed.
Anyway, I LOVE (as well as many of you) the home of textile designer Fiona Douglas featured in Adore magazine and few months ago at Design*Sponge
fiona douglas home via adore4


color palette ...colorful drama in bedroom

 Spring is "officially" here, although not for real. These days are rainy, windy and colder than they should be, but deep in my heart and body I feel like spring. Positive, fresh, awaken! Usually, Herceg Novi turns to colorful magic-land in spring, with it's flowers, sparkling sea and pastel houses....what inspired me to bring you color palette for all your senses. Although feminine, this color palette used with right furniture and accessories, could equally work for our stronger halves. It's almost half night now...but I wish you Good Morning and to feel like you make the Earth spinning by walking!
colorful drama in bedroom

focus on designers: Jennifer Delonge

Hello dears...this post I'll start with a quote. Sarah Coffey  at Apartment Therapy wrote:
Very few of Jennifer Delonge's interiors are instantly recognizable as "kids rooms." They look like cool, comfortable spaces that could belong to anyone... until a pint-sized drawing table, a fire truck on the floor, or a wall of baby photos gives away the fact that these are, in fact, homes with small children.
I have nothing more to add to this...except I would love to create something similar for my little boy. To be honest - he wouldn't care much about the looks, all he wants is big playing area...but I'd be extremely happy... Oh my
Jennifer Delonge 1


sara tuttle's fresh classic {perfect home no.7 ** savršen dom br.7

This week starts with a home tour of Sara Tuttle, young interior designer best known for her fresh, classic style. She knows how to create a space reflecting unique lifestyle and personality...layering color, texture, antiques and accessories. The result is comfortable and inviting space.
In 2008, Sara was named one of Domino magazine's TEN TO WATCH...and her tips on decorating are simple yet profound. She says "room should evolve over time" and she spoke right through me with "Find what you love and it will somehow make sense in the space." It's crucial to fill your space with LOVE and items you simply ADORE
I spotted this home on Daily Dream Decor
sara tuttle interiors6 via dailydreamdecor and iVillage


passionfinds... march27th

Too often we have to deal with things around us, and equally often we have to accept things the way they are, without recognizable possibility something will change. Don't mind me...I'm thinking out loud about internet access in my country and the fact we're living in XXI century. Something must be wrong! For this century it's predicted we'll live outside the Earth, or at least in totally different surrounding here on the planet...but, hey...I have problems with internet connection for days. It's a big deal, and it shouldn't be. I say   @#$%^&   grrrr
Well, everything is ok for now, hope it'll stay that way. So ...let's continue with regular posts
warehouseconversion-escat-rovira-gselect-gessato-via chictip


passion decor on tumblr

tumblr blog
Follow my blog with bloglovin
Hello, my friends, how are you? I want to let you know...several days ago I started PassionDecor blog on Tumblr. It is going to be my inspiration file, filled with photos that makes my heart skip a beat. That will be my place to put only photos, as I want this blog here to be more of educational, as well as inspirational. So, you're invited to visit me on Tumblr, and follow of course :)
See you there! xo


romantic table setting

timeless lilac   The thing I would love the most now...is to chat with my friends over a glass of wine and some delicious food. I need to relax a bit, and to come back on track in my social life
Best wishes to all of you my friends! Don't knock or ring, just come on in


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