
Inspired by Paris

After reading post about Paris on new-to-me Croatian blog about life, travel, great and not-so-great places to enjoy coffee ... I was thinking: Do I Want To Visit Paris? can you believe what am I asking myself? and the answer is WHO WOULDN'T?! I don't care it is way too expensive, crowded, chaotic...I would be smitten to go there
More than Paris, I would love to visit villages and small cities in France...to feel the true spirit of that incredible country. Someday I will go, and you will be amongst first to know :)
Meanwhile, I found some photos of inspiration. Places for rent in Paris. If someone can't go to Paris, one should make the Paris come to him

MONT-STG-lux-1ReadytoPrintChampolion-2330 _MG_6508 clerysalon6 ABB-Balcon w750xh500-7729 47Universite-8865*Insert intense color, glamour, or different pattern with romantic or baroque charm ...and you can create a Parisian style.
*make doors invisible, like they lead to a secret chamber
*use purple, crimson and emerald colors
*ornamented furniture
*have a corner for coffee or tea and croissant, the best place for it is balcony. have a small metal or wooden table and chairs,similar to ones in cafes
found via Gold & Gray


  1. Ma znaš, treba otići u Pariz :) Pariz je super, divan, skup... no treba sve to iskusiti. I mislim da je savršen izbor za Pariz, rentati stan...
    Hotel koji usitinu vrijedi u Parizu je skup, a čovjek se predivno može osjećati otključavajući stan na 3.katu pa čak i kad nije njegov :)
    Slike su pre...

  2. ...nadam se da si htjela reci "predivne"? :D
    da,slazem se da je bolja opcija tamo iznajmiti stan..i ostati nekoliko mjeseci,he he :D mislim,dok se sve obidje bar u najuzoj okolini

  3. da, da :) predivne, mogla bi se preseliti...

  4. Hello, this is my first time on your blog and I totally loved it. Congrats, it's great. Can you help me with this... On the first picture there's a white dining table that I love but I don't know where to find it, do you know Where can I buy it??

  5. Jose, it's Saarinen Tulip table, and it costs cca $4.300 minimum...but you can find less expensive version of it at Ikea - it's Docksta Table for just $179.
    Hope I helped :)


Always love to know your thoughts. Thanks for sharing


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