
love this space ...

When a room speaks to me at a very first glance - it's the real thing! It's obvious that my taste varies from simple interiors to a spaces full of details where you need at least few hours to discover all the beauty. What connects all of the spaces I love is the noticeably personal, casual feel full of character. This living room feels the same. Beautifully cluttered is the hallway too, and the nursery is so playful and interesting. This is the place I could live in!

{Prava stvar je kada me neki prostor oduševi već na prvi pogled. Kontrasti u mom ukusu su veoma očigledni... od pročišćenih, jednostavnih enterijera do naglašenih prostora sa puno detalja u kojima vam treba bar par sati da otkrijete sve čari. Ono što sve te ambijente povezuje je neka nehajna ali i karakterna atmosfera, što se vidi i u ovom dnevnom boravku. Pored dnevne sobe, fenomenalno natrpan je i hodnik, a dječija soba je s ukusom razigrana i zanimljiva. Totalno enterijer u kom bih mogla da obitavam!}  
spotted on: Parlour, via House To Home

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