
hello darlings, I'm so happy that you're visiting passiondecor. As I already said in welcome note, I am from Montenegro, small eastern Europe country, former Yugoslavian republic. Wouldn't want to live anywhere else, really, although I would LOVE to travel all the world, meet many different people and learn lots of new things. 
When I first started this blog, my idea was to keep track of all things inspiring about homes and interiors. I did it for myself  (I still do), but had no clue what blog really is...I read about it in a magazine and decided to start one. If I knew better back then, I would choose different name and made a plan about topics and overall look of the blog. This way, it took me over three years to truly find my niche in this huge topic of interior design, and to find my true voice. 
I've always loved small apartments and houses. I find them cozy and challenging at the same time, and absolutely inspiring. Colors excite me, too! Every possible color on the world, I think ... and I love to wear or see around me combinations of jewel tones or bright colors. There are also two sides of me, totally opposite yet so compatible - mid century modern side and romantic side.  If you think all of this doesn't go together - just flip through photos on this blog, I bet you'll love them.

You will make me very happy if you choose to follow along, via Google friend connect or via email subscription. Leave your comments, lets get to know each other, I love hearing different opinions... and I would love to visit your blog if you have one.

I'm not very "comment" person, which means I rarely leave comments, it happens just when I'm moved by the post or have something to say about the topic. Sometimes my comments can sound negative but I assure you I don't want anyone to feel bad, it's just my point of view and it shouldn't hurt anybody. The reason I'm telling this is that some of my comments weren't published, for no obvious reasons (at least to me). Hope you appreciate sincere person...


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