
focus on designers: stylist Karin Olsen

excerpt from her website: "Karin has roots in Norway and loves that her parents had great Scandinavian furniture growing up. She spends her free time going to flea markets and is always on the lookout for something colorful or just slightly quirky."
Few days ago I discovered Karin Olsen's prop work and immediately loved it, especially her colorful approach to styling. Hew work include interior design, food/entertaining, still life, fashion/accessories styling. Don't miss her full portfolio

{izvod sa sajta: "Karin potiče iz Norveške i voli što je odrastala uz poznate komade skandinavskog namještaja. Slobodno vrijeme provodi obilazeći buvljake i uvijek je u potrazi za nečim šarenim ili bar malo neobičnim"
Prije koji dan otkrila sam stilistkinju Karin Olsen i odmah me oduševio njen rad - posebno što se igra bojama. Karin je stilista enterijera, mrtve prirode, hrane, ali i modni stilista. Nemojte propustiti njen cijeli portfolio}


  1. Simpaticno i neobicno.

  2. the flooring is really great in the office! I like the black and white of it mixed with all the bright colors.


Always love to know your thoughts. Thanks for sharing


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