
stylish small ... everything in 40sqm

This apartment is very narrow and difficult to organize and decorate. Difficult but not impossible. Light floor and white walls gives the apartment so much needed luminosity  and natural light, making it seem like lot bigger. Wall shelves architecturally integrated, allows accessories to pop and not overwhelming the space. Focal point of the living space is wall art Blanca San Martin's design. Another focal point is black sofa, which maybe could be white or light grey, but this one really creates drama in white space. Perfect for young person...exploring itself and life.
Kitchen is functional, also blending in without unnecessary details like door knobs, kitchen accessories on the counter...etc. As you can see, and it's quite often in Europe ...to put washing machine in the kitchen. To divide different areas, glass panels are used which are almost unnoticeable.
salon_cocina_reference via casadiez elle es

Fiona Douglas's home...flowers,birds and butterflies

The first photo (I'm sure it made you breathless) is the cover of the latest Adore Home magazine...which is really to adore :) Inspired by the spring and the upcoming Easter Holidays, latest issue is full of bold floral and colorful patterns. Don't know about you, but I love online magazines as much as printed.
Anyway, I LOVE (as well as many of you) the home of textile designer Fiona Douglas featured in Adore magazine and few months ago at Design*Sponge
fiona douglas home via adore4


color palette ...colorful drama in bedroom

 Spring is "officially" here, although not for real. These days are rainy, windy and colder than they should be, but deep in my heart and body I feel like spring. Positive, fresh, awaken! Usually, Herceg Novi turns to colorful magic-land in spring, with it's flowers, sparkling sea and pastel houses....what inspired me to bring you color palette for all your senses. Although feminine, this color palette used with right furniture and accessories, could equally work for our stronger halves. It's almost half night now...but I wish you Good Morning and to feel like you make the Earth spinning by walking!
colorful drama in bedroom

focus on designers: Jennifer Delonge

Hello dears...this post I'll start with a quote. Sarah Coffey  at Apartment Therapy wrote:
Very few of Jennifer Delonge's interiors are instantly recognizable as "kids rooms." They look like cool, comfortable spaces that could belong to anyone... until a pint-sized drawing table, a fire truck on the floor, or a wall of baby photos gives away the fact that these are, in fact, homes with small children.
I have nothing more to add to this...except I would love to create something similar for my little boy. To be honest - he wouldn't care much about the looks, all he wants is big playing area...but I'd be extremely happy... Oh my
Jennifer Delonge 1


sara tuttle's fresh classic {perfect home no.7 ** savršen dom br.7

This week starts with a home tour of Sara Tuttle, young interior designer best known for her fresh, classic style. She knows how to create a space reflecting unique lifestyle and personality...layering color, texture, antiques and accessories. The result is comfortable and inviting space.
In 2008, Sara was named one of Domino magazine's TEN TO WATCH...and her tips on decorating are simple yet profound. She says "room should evolve over time" and she spoke right through me with "Find what you love and it will somehow make sense in the space." It's crucial to fill your space with LOVE and items you simply ADORE
I spotted this home on Daily Dream Decor
sara tuttle interiors6 via dailydreamdecor and iVillage


passionfinds... march27th

Too often we have to deal with things around us, and equally often we have to accept things the way they are, without recognizable possibility something will change. Don't mind me...I'm thinking out loud about internet access in my country and the fact we're living in XXI century. Something must be wrong! For this century it's predicted we'll live outside the Earth, or at least in totally different surrounding here on the planet...but, hey...I have problems with internet connection for days. It's a big deal, and it shouldn't be. I say   @#$%^&   grrrr
Well, everything is ok for now, hope it'll stay that way. So ...let's continue with regular posts
warehouseconversion-escat-rovira-gselect-gessato-via chictip


passion decor on tumblr

tumblr blog
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Hello, my friends, how are you? I want to let you know...several days ago I started PassionDecor blog on Tumblr. It is going to be my inspiration file, filled with photos that makes my heart skip a beat. That will be my place to put only photos, as I want this blog here to be more of educational, as well as inspirational. So, you're invited to visit me on Tumblr, and follow of course :)
See you there! xo


romantic table setting

timeless lilac   The thing I would love the most now...is to chat with my friends over a glass of wine and some delicious food. I need to relax a bit, and to come back on track in my social life
Best wishes to all of you my friends! Don't knock or ring, just come on in


color palette...whimsical in color

Color palette for this week is bold, unconventional, whimsical and urban... playing with strong colors and reflecting finishes...telling us about a person with high sense of style, strong character, having always respectful opinions. I would say, this color palette would be perfect in home of an art critique? What do you think?

whimsical in color via lonnymag

*image via Lonny magazine ...if you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it (absolutely gorgeous)


bench in the dining / klupa u trpezariji

Benches are wonderful, multifunctional seating and storage solutions for every room. I'm considering to put a few in my small apartment. I would need one corner bench in the kitchen and one in the balcony, of course with the storage.
They used to be ugly, although functional...and let me say...there are some ugly ones even now. But hey, thanks to many talented and creative people around the world, benches found their spot in the design world. here are some stylish examples
lindsey bond turquoise wall cowhide rug quatrefoil mirror tuliptable banquette seating via abode love


perfect home no.6 ** savršen dom br.6

This unbelievable stylish and vivid apartment was designed by antiques dealer Florence Lopez. She implemented colors, furniture and vintage forms like it was from '50s. Gorgeous colors like petroleum blue, grass green, mustard yellow, charcoal grey makes me covet for interior like this. Well, when put it all together - this should be my personal home decorating style {although I love too many different eras}...and I believe it is, because in a place like this I'd feel AT HOME! I wear these colors, why shouldn't I live surrounded by them? although sometimes all I want is soothing, neutral palette around me. Anyway...enough about me, I could chit chat like this for hours... :)
Let's enjoy the beauty of this home
home of FlorenceLopez via design crisis



*during the week I collect photos, thoughts, ideas...I believe worth mentioning and remembering. weekly passionfinds will be the sum of those useful and interesting links
10_harris_smith via designsponge


color palette ... soft and dreamy

This week's color palette is soft, sophisticated, feminine and dreamy just like the suggested bedroom. I am inspired by Women's Day - 8th March and the quote I read a while ago "a woman can never exaggerate in femininity "...I think it was Yve Saint Loreine who said it...correct me if I'm wrong

dreamy bedroom via the happy home blog1 *via the happy home

Girly, elegant, romantic, subtle, cozy...are the attributes crossing my mind while watching this picture...and all I want is to be tucked into this perfectly styled bed


hedgehog / jez kao inspiracija za dekoraciju doma

Hedgehog is one of the cute animals,if you ask me. There's something about hedgehog I like so much,but I can't tell exactly what's that. love their colors, overall look and maybe symbolism it carries. Did you know hedgehog can be color of chestnut, cinnamon, sepia-orange, argent, brown-orange, apricot, blue amber, amber, lilac, cream, albino or my favorite opal :)
Because I love hedgehogs I searched the web for home decorations inspired by them.Here's what I found:
hedgehog pot via ginkgraph


perfect home no.5 ** savršen dom br.5

When comes to my home decorating style - I wouldn't know how to describe it...as I love or sorts of different colors, styles, finishes. You probably noticed the range of colors here on the blog - from white, neutrals and grays to muted or bright colors. My motto is "everything could work well, if it's in the right context". What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter if something is out of style or ugly - it can be pretty again if you surround it with right items, colors and textures.
Anyway, what I said doesn't have much with this post and this cozy home we're touring. But...look at the simple coffee table - it's the focal point of the room because it is surrounded with cool colored furniture.


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