
one home, one story - Paula Scher {1 dom,1 priča - Pola Šer}

Paula Scher is a world class graphic designer whose work is all over New York - logos, posters for big shows as well as hundreds of other designs that make up the visual static of the city. She is also an artist, painting huge, colorful maps with words and zip codes that may or may not be correct. She also participated in designing the Publikum calendar in 2007 in Belgrade, where she got inspired with Cyrillic. It is known that she designed a chandelier, a chair and a coffee table inspired by letters of the Serbian alphabet, but I couldn't find the photos :(
{Pola Šer je grafička dizajnerka svjetskog glasa, a Njujork je prepun njenih radova - logoa, postera za važne događaje kao i stotine drugih radova koji vizuelno upotpunjuju grad. Pola je takođe i umjetnica koja slika predimenzionirane i šarolike mape, načičkane nazivima gradova, mjesta i naselja kao i poštanskim brojevima ne vodeći računa mnogo da li je sve napisano ispravno ili ne. 2007 je učestvovala u dizajniranju dobro poznatog Publikum kalendara, upoznajući se tako sa ćiriličnim pismom. Inspirisana nekim slovima azbuke i abecede dizajnirala je luster, stolicu i klub stočić...ali na žalost, nisam uspjela pronaći fotografije}
Paula Scher 's home via NewYorkSocialDiary


Interior spaces with a global wibe... guest post by Arcadian Lighting

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you're full of energy for the week ahead of us. Today we're talking about diferent ethnic interior decor I love to see implemented. Thanks to Arcadian Lighting for contributing to my blog! Arcadian Lighting is the best source for home lighting accessories at discount prices. Founded in 2002, Arcadian Lighting started selling decorative home lighting fixtures and lamps online, and has become one of the top Internet retailers for home lighting products.

With the emergence of new media and technology, the world truly is becoming a “Global Village” and cultural hybridization is seeping into every aspect of our lives. This phenomenon has also been witnessed in the A&D world, as many modern homes are an intriguing juxtaposition of eastern aesthetics with western sensibilities. Ethnic interior décor is no longer a niche trend and has been gaining popularity, since it infuses drama and panache in a home. If you want your home to reflect a more global perspective, then you can start by purchasing ethnic throw pillows, signature lighting fixtures, unique wall art or even exotic artifacts. You can also zero into a theme or a country and then decorate accordingly. Listed below are some great examples and tips of ethnic inspired interiors that have a modern sensibility and don’t fall into the kitschy trap.
Magical Morocco
Interior Spaces with a Global Vibe
Inspired Goodness (via)


inspiring kid's rooms

28941_0_4-9335--I'm all about kid's rooms now. How strange, right? :) It's almost the only thing I see everywhere on the internet. While preparing this post with inspiring rooms for kids, I found a few showing exactly what I wanted for my 3 year old boy's room he will be sharing soon with his baby brother or sister. I've already wrote about us(parents) moving into living room, freeing up the space for him - to have his own kingdom... We didn't do that yet, but now's definitely the time!


love this space...wallpapered bright dining

prretty space via the brides cafe tumblr
Would it be great to wake up in the morning, having tea with cookies by that window...watching all year's season changes. Interesting contrast of masculine/feminine: wire chairs and floral wallpaper


puffy pendants...maybe DIY?

Paper, plastic bags, coffee filters or anything crossing your mind can be used for creating a modern and original light fixture. Great idea for do-it-yourself project whether you need a pendant or table lamp to create a statement in your home. Rounded, fluffy, interesting pendants (or any home decor items) are irresistible to me. Allison Patrick @ Zipper8Lighting shop on etsy creates lovely light fixtures out of round paper lanterns.
Zipper8lightning etsy shop1


{reader's redesign} Aida's natural style / {pomoc citaocima} Aidin prirodni stil

 Several months ago Aida asked me to help her choose furnishings and colors for her home in renovation as well as how to make better use of available space. She wanted airy, cozy and welcoming space with lots of wooden details. The ceiling is very low (2.2m) so intense or dark colors were not an option. Light and natural colors with proper lightning could make the space feel higher and more comfy.aida tlocrt bolji


organized and multifunctional / organizovano i prakticno

September means the school started, we're all back to full time jobs rested and the vacation (if there were any) is over...so, to make things easier to handle, I propose you to make your command station or home office colorful and organized. Here are two ideas I like the most
multifunctional command center via the inspired room and BetterHomesAndGardens 

could I live without magazines? no!

Today I finally got my copy of Casaviva Serbia mag - September issue. As always - it's full of fabulous, functional and cozy ideas for living as well as useful information about design world, new products, great travel places and cultural events. (btw - that home featured on the cover is stunning. I'll blog about it these days)
casaviva srbija naslovnica septembar


focus on designers: Marko Vuckovic

He is extremely talented and passionate industrial designer from small town Bor in Serbia, graduated at Polytechnic University of Belgrade where I studied graphic design. I mentioned him before, but now I found his website and I'm blown away with his ideas in product design. Marko has a great visual taste and he won several awards in that field. His work was also published in design orientated magazines worldwide.
Three products he designed that I would love to have in my home:
R chair by Marko Vuckovic


back to blogging...

Hello there...I'm back to blogging, rested, almost full of energy (I'll explain why a bit later) and happy. As I disappeared without any explanation, I bet some of you wonder what happened? well...I got pregnant. First trimester I was sleepy and everything bothered me and I just wasn't able to sit in front of computer more than 5 minutes, which is not enough to turn it on and write something. I didn't even checked my emails.
vintage decorating via periodliving co uk via Period Living on PassionDecor tumblr


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