
my very first blog award...can you imagine how happy am I? :)

Few days ago I recieved the so sweet-lovely-cute blog award from two of my favorites bloggers Izzy and Lenka. Both are very creative and hard working girls, with great ideas and tutorials. I really admire their work!
If you visit Izzy's Laboratory of unique creations,you'll find beautiful jewlery boxes you can use for anything you want,amazing jewlery or learn something from her detailed tutorials. Of course everything is handmade!
If you visit Lenka's Krpice i Konci (Patches and Yarns) blog, you'll be amazed of her beautiful work and tutorials...there you can learn how to sew, find great ideas for thrift but lovely decor ideas or patterns and tutorials for painting on silk and other fabrics...
I feel very honoured to recieve the blog award from them...I know they are visiting PassionDecor blog regularly,and I'm happy they like it
Thank you Izzy
Thank you Lenka

Now,I have to award 10 sweet bloggers...and you all know how it's hard. I want to note all of my blogger friends that I love your blogs,but as you already have this award I'll send it to the blogs I read every day because they're a great inspiration for me...although I don't leave a comment every time :(

-give this award to 10 sweet bloggers
-make a post about award including the picture and mention bloggers who sent it to you
-put the award on your blog
-let your nominated bloggers know you've awarded them by leaving a comment or by email


  1. Hvala Millie, ako treba neka pomoc za peprcutting, a ti javi :D

  2. Thank you so much, Millie! That is very sweet of you <3


  3. Aww, thank you so much, Millie! I appreciate it so much! Congrats on the award :) It is well deserved!
    Thank you so much for your sweet comment today too!

  4. Thank you so much for the award!!

  5. Thank YOU for being yourselves,having such great blogs :)

  6. Thanks Millie! You are so sweet. I am glad I inspire you. :) It makes blogging fun.

  7. Congratulatioins on the award, you really deserve it!

  8. AnonymousJuly 25, 2010

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