
small eat-in kitchens ** male kuhinje sa trpezarijom

One of my resolution for this year is to finally change our eating habits. I want to cook most of the days (instead of my husband) and to bring some new, healthier meals on the table (less meat). So, no wonder I’m all into kitchens, breakfast corners and small dining areas. Since we have small eat-in kitchen I thought to bring up some photos of lovely ones. I love their casualty and simplicity

small eat in kitchen on skona hem

alvhem cococozy small modern eat in kitchen with plaid walls louis ghost chairs round table white cabinets windoweat-in-kitchen-decorSFD89B7BEA8524544FEB8342F98CC538923_800x800small eat in kitchen on dotcomsformomssmall eat in kitchen on dotcomsformoms1small eat in kitchen on dotcomsformoms2small eat in kitchen on housetohomesmall eat in kitchen on houzzsmall eat in kitchen via AT the kitchnsuzekitchLswedish flat apartment sweden small kitchen wallpaper geometric



  1. I'm dreaming of a white...kitchen! :)

    1. I follow your dream...but other days I want bright, multicoloured kitchen with too many accessories...oh, decisions decisions :)

  2. Jos jednom odlicna ideja za post! Odusevila si me, ovo je zaista inspirativno. Zivim u kuci, a uvek sam mastala o malim prosotorima, o nekom usukanom stanu (gde su racuni mnogo manji).

    1. Hvala! :)
      Srecna okolnost je sto se iz veceg lakse predje u manje (finansijski) nego obrnuto. Ali klincima treba obezbjediti dvoriste i prostor za igru. Zato ja mastam o maloj, ususkanoj kucici, sa parcetom dvorista da mogu slobodno pustiti klince u igru... ipak,da ne zvucim nezahvalno, ja obozavam stan u kojem zivim :)


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