I wonder who got the first idea to award bloggers for something to feel good about it? Lovely idea, to help people connect and grow their blogs big or bigger. It can be very fun, you know. This time, Kasia nominated me for a favourite blog award, and my share of the game is to answer to 11 questions she asked. First, the award:

and on to the questions:
1. Dog or cat? - I love dogs and all animals, but CATS are one of the kind! I adore everything about them.
2. Getting up in the morning or a long soak? – The questions are literally translated, so I hope to understood them right. I’m a morning person who loves getting up early, practically jumping out of bed full of good energy.
3. For dinner: homemade cola or fruit compote? – fruit compote although I love cola sometimes (guilty)
4. Chop or ground? – not sure I understand this…but I guess chop
5. Gym or aerobics? – aerobics, between the two, but dancing is the best if you ask me
6. Favorite color? – yellow, teal and purple. can’t choose just one
7. A car with a manual or automatic transmission? – I don’t drive (wait!what?), but I guess I’d choose automatic
8. Coffee with or without milk ? – coffee with milk, of course (blink blink)
9. Heels or "flat" shoes? – both, depending on the occasion. Love heels, but who doesn’t…
10. Winter or summer? – summer
11. Cap or hood? – none
Nomination for the Liebster Award is received from another blogger in the recognition of a "job well done". It is awarded to blogs with fewer followers, so it gives the possibility of the spread . After receiving the award must answer 11 questions received from the person who nominated you. Then you nominate 11 people (telling them about it) and ask them 11 questions. Do not nominate a blog that nominated you.
my questions are:
1. house or apartment?
2. colorful or neutral?
3. music from radio or personal compilation?
4. sweet or salty?
5. coffee or tea?
6. shower or bath?
7. sea or mountains?
8. big city or small town?
9. singing or dancing?
10. favorite nail polish color?
11. eye shadows or lipstick?
let’s see who is nominated next: Appunti di casa; Daleko, daleko na Istoku; Verujem u snove; Kafenisanje I ostalo; Jorgovanka; maman qui cuisine sans lait; Mjesto za kavu; Oblak; Put suncokreta; Uradi sama