
{love this space} off to bed

After long day filled with exercise with kids in between everyday errands, all I need is to get lost in white sheets surrounded by various pillows, knowing that the yellow accents will remind me in the morning to start the day happy and positive


via Elle Spain / spotted on The designer pad

whimsical with big style

What a beauty! I’m speechless, amazed by the perfect balance of color, light, shapes and textures. I wish to see the rest of this three bedroom apartment, wow

amazing home

{stylish small} great layout ** {mali stan} odličan raspored




another scandinavian tour? …

I don’t mind, as long as there are some iconic or classic pieces like Eames rocking chair, or caramel leather sofa. If you add to it a charming nursery corner or dining area, some geometric patterns and whimsical prints – I want to move right in.

bolaget 76km

{balkan breeze} modern home for young couple


enterijer marticeva3



my small space…

Well, maybe this is one of the hardest things for me to do (so be kind), but somehow I wanted to blog about my humble 48m2 apartment I’m sharing with husband and two little boys (4 and 1). It’s far from perfect, and I’m always trying to improve it (without ANY money for it), so it mostly ends with disappointment. So many things have to be done, and time flies with small kids. My husband is tired of my ideas or constant rearranging, but it doesn’t stop me. As long as I can do it by myself. If you’re interested – check out my home… Photos are old couple of months, some things are a bit changed, now I’m waiting for sunny weather again to photograph.

februar maj 2012 055

unconventional apartment

A young architect converted part of an old hospital into cozy small apartment with high ceiling. She painted wall behind sofa in dark shade of grey for more intimate corner, and placed a media shelf under gallery bed. For extra graphic touch patterned curtains are hung on both sides of the sofa. The dining table is often used for work, so there’s functional folding table in the kitchen.



area rug with navy stripes

there is something about those navy stripes on rugs that I can’t resist… Maybe I prefer more geometrical pattern, but stripes are timeless, don’t you think?

2 (1)


{perfect home No. 33} boho chic




{love this space} perfect for small homes


Love the chairs + the tripod table + patterned area rug + ikat bowl + mid century modern credenza =

Love this space

photo: west elm; styling: Jessica Packard


pinboard in gold and black

My sister needed a pin board to pin her inspiration photos and words, and to help her discover her passions and goals to achieve. So, we bought cheap and boring pin board with update on mind. Her choice is combination of black and gold, and I wanted to make it simple but beautiful even without anything pinned on it, so I went for chevron. I’ve considered some other patterns too but it would be more time consuming. This is the result:


This is my tiny corner credenza, with oil bottle found in the sea, as well as the white coral branch, the Duck is handmade and beautiful, and the books happen to be my favorites: “Good Morning, Belgrade” ; “Monologue of smiles” poetry by my friend; “Incidental reflections” and “Wandering Bokelj”

Pano za moju sestru,u zlatnoj cik cak šari, sa crnim ramom. Nalazi se na mojoj ugaonoj komodici u dnevnoj sobi, pored koje su bočica za ulje I koralna grančica izvađeni sa dna mora, prelijep ručno rađeni Patak I nekoliko knjiga koje volim: “Beograde, dobro jutro” D.Radovića; “Monolog osmeha” od Ivane Stojić Sunčice; “Uzgredna razmišljanja” od V.Jerotića I “Lutajući Bokelj” od Nikole Malovića


{DIY idea} butterflies ** {uradi sama} leptiri

January isn’t over yet, but I can’t help thinking about spring. Luckily, the spring always comes much earlier in my city…warmer days are ahead of us, mimosa flowers are blooming, days are getting longer and sunnier, calling us to spend hours by the seashore. Here is a lovely idea to welcome spring – small cutout butterflies. I’d prefer them on white background with white frame…

when east meets west ** spoj istoka I zapada

Scandinavian style, design and interiors are always outstanding, and when you add a bit of your culture to the mix – the result is truly beautiful eclectic home full of personality. The main color is white, there are some black and colorful touches like yellow, pink or blue, but they don’t overwhelm the look. Plants and flowers give a romantic touch and bring extra coziness to the space. Storage solutions are smart, and simple solid color canvases make big impact on the space


small eat-in kitchens ** male kuhinje sa trpezarijom

One of my resolution for this year is to finally change our eating habits. I want to cook most of the days (instead of my husband) and to bring some new, healthier meals on the table (less meat). So, no wonder I’m all into kitchens, breakfast corners and small dining areas. Since we have small eat-in kitchen I thought to bring up some photos of lovely ones. I love their casualty and simplicity

small eat in kitchen on skona hem


elegant white apartment ** elegancija u bijelom

The reason for second all white apartment today is to show how mostly the same features can create totally different style. Here again every big surface is white, with some high gloss finishes for reflection of light. Added color is even more subtle- light grey and creamy whites -to create elegant and sophisticated ambient.


subtle hue in 31m2 studio ** suptilne nijanse u garsonjeri od 31m2

Purified interior with simple forms and only essential furniture. In small open spaces like this, kitchen should blend in the rest of the room. Backsplash is an accent wall at the same time, providing depth in the all white room. Every big surface is white creating ethereal yet cozy place for living

31m2 studio


glass kitchen backsplash ** staklo umjesto kuhinjskih pločica

If you think the tiles are a bit boring for the kitchen, opt for glass backsplash. It’s functional and effective solution, especially for small kitchens as it enlarges the room. I believe it’s much easier to clean without having to worry about grout. This is also a good solution for open kitchens, because it’s more modern and neutral way to blend them in the living room. The glass itself can be clear, frosted or colored (painted or printed). Somehow, I’ve never liked tiles, or most of them. Don’t like to see them on my walls or floors, and when I enter the bathroom tiled up to ceiling – I cringe. Anyway, if I get the chance to renovate my kitchen, the glass backsplash will be installed. Love the idea of wallpapering the wall behind the clear glass.



fantastic makeover of French cabinet

Who doesn't love a good transformation? I do, but mostly the vision amazes me. Not many would choose to makeover this cabinet in that state, but look at the result. Who knew? It's beautiful and unusual to mix white with tortoise shell on top. I love it. And when the door opens, new color surprises you... Want to see how it looked before? scroll down...

{home tour} all white apartment

All white apartment with fantastic layout, storage options and decorative accessories.What’s not to love?



{love this room} the happiest place on Earth

the happiest place on earth

what’s more to say?

found on Stardust decor & style

{home tour} style to remember

Thanks to my blogger friend Olga, I found out about this unusual home of an jewelry artist. Unusual because of the living room wall color. Most of the designers, especially trendsetters, would say that smudge wall color is big no-no as it always looks dirty and unpleasant. it’s not too pretty here, too…but it’s camouflaged by amazing furniture pieces and great color choices. The owner truly applied her knowledge of color and composition. The rest of the home is quite amazing…in strong color and pattern. Big style!



time to play a game…

I wonder who got the first idea to award bloggers for something to feel good about it? Lovely idea, to help people connect and grow their blogs big or bigger. It can be very fun, you know. This time, Kasia nominated me for a favourite blog award, and my share of the game is to answer to 11 questions she asked. First, the award:


and on to the questions:

1. Dog or cat?  - I love dogs and all animals, but CATS are one of the kind! I adore everything about them.

2. Getting up in the morning or a long soak? – The questions are literally translated, so I hope to understood them right. I’m a morning person who loves getting up early, practically jumping out of bed full of good energy.

3. For dinner: homemade cola or fruit compote? – fruit compote although I love cola sometimes (guilty)

4. Chop or ground? – not sure I understand this…but I guess chop

5. Gym or aerobics? – aerobics, between the two, but dancing is the best if you ask me

6. Favorite color? – yellow, teal and purple. can’t choose just one

7. A car with a manual or automatic transmission? – I don’t drive (wait!what?), but I guess I’d choose automatic

8. Coffee with or without milk ? – coffee with milk, of course (blink blink)

9. Heels or "flat" shoes? – both, depending on the occasion. Love heels, but who doesn’t…

10. Winter or summer? – summer

11. Cap or hood? – none


Nomination for the  Liebster Award  is received from another blogger in the recognition of a "job well done". It is awarded to blogs with fewer followers, so it gives the possibility of the  spread . After receiving the award must answer 11 questions received from the person who nominated you. Then you nominate 11 people (telling them about it) and ask them 11 questions. Do not nominate a blog that nominated you.

my questions are:

1. house or apartment?

2. colorful or neutral?

3. music from radio or personal compilation?

4. sweet or salty?

5. coffee or tea?

6. shower or bath?

7. sea or mountains?

8. big city or small town?

9. singing or dancing?

10. favorite nail polish color?

11. eye shadows or lipstick?

let’s see who is nominated next: Appunti di casa; Daleko, daleko na Istoku; Verujem u snove; Kafenisanje I ostalo; Jorgovanka; maman qui cuisine sans lait; Mjesto za kavu; Oblak; Put suncokreta; Uradi sama

DIY ideas ** uradi sam/a ideje

These are the DIY projects on my TO-DO list. Have to make them as soon as possible. Well, to be honest, I have too many projects on my to-do list, and my resolution for this year is to finally find the time to realize as many projects as I can. cross your fingers for me
DIY deer silhouette
DIY eye chart
DIY sea glass art


{e-design} tiny studio ** mini garsonjera

The most interesting and the most challenging interiors to decorate are small apartments and studios. How many furniture is too much, or too many? Many examples shows it’s all about personal taste and living style.

Every space I get to decorate in any way is amazing by its own and I try my best to match owners ideas and tastes with my vision for their space. The studio here is so tiny, measures only 28 square meters (300sqft) and the owner wanted to fit a bed there, at first.

The owner is one interesting lady, modern and unconventional. I suggested for her two versions of the space, in both are various types of furniture and finishes to create the feeling it’s not decorated all at once, making the studio with character.

plan varijanta II


34sq meters studio ** garsonjera od 34 kvadrata

I have photos of this 34m2 studio in my inspiration folder for ages. Natural, cozy, feminine and sophisticated is all what a single girl needs in home. Good thing is it has the closet room, so there’s no need for additional armoire to block priceless square meters. One room is for everything, the owner didn’t want to sacrifice the bed, so she installed the curtain to hide the bed if desired.



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