
{DIY idea} fallen leaves ** {uradi sam} opalo lisce

Autumn gives us plenty of materials for expressing our creativity. I've picked one lovely and simple idea out of many. I love how good the result looks...and not just for fall
**Jesen obiluje fantasticnim materijalom za izrazavanje kreativnosti. Od pregrsti ideja ja sam izabrala jednostavnu, a rezultat je lijep ukras ne samo za vrijeme jeseni i zime, vec tokom cijele godine

*paper or canvas, 
*pdf board or frame if you use paper, 
*craft paint and spray paint in various colours, 
*leaves, flowers or stems, 
*spray on adhesive
how to: when you choose your leaves, flatten them between heavy books. Paint the entire sheet of paper or canvas in your desired colour and let it dry. Spray the back of the leaves with adhesive and simply tack on the painted surface. Lightly spray paint the entire surface and carefuly peel away the leaves.

**materijali: obican papir ili platno, ploca iverice po potrebi, akrilna boja po zelji i bijela u spreju, siroka i uska cetkica, opalo lisce, lagani ljepak u spreju.
    kako napraviti: odabrane listove ispresujte, a platno ili papir ofarbajte u zeljenu boju. na pozadinu lista nanijeti lagano sprej lijepak i postaviti na papir. lagano isprskati cijelu povrsinu bijelom bojom u spreju, te pazljivo skinuti list. po zelji se malom cetkicom i prilicno razblazenom drugom akrilnom bojom moze premazati cijela povrsina za veci umjetnicki utisak.


  1. Odlična ideja,budi maštu.Hvala šo ju dijeliš s nama:)

  2. so clever. I love these and I love that you did a grouping with 4-- even more clever.


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