
{stylish small} experimenting with design ideas ** experimentisanje sa idejama

 This 50m2 apartment belongs to talented Mette Helena where she lives with her daughter. Personally, I don't think it's challenging for two to  live in apartment that big (as we're family of four living in much smaller space), but I too know how many stuff an artist can have - too many according to my husband. So, I agree - it is a challenge to provide enough storage for all your belongings without a proper home office, as well creating everything to look good and inviting.
Mette Helena sure managed to create a happy, fun and colourful home, inspiring and cheerful. There's versatile coffee table that can be put away, upgraded bookcases, big multitasking table. The highlight is definitely a sleeping area - matress is on kitchen units that can be rolled out for extra storage. The 'wall' between hers and daughters area is a secured bookshelf wallpapered on the back. simple, smart and beautiful. Do you find this home inspiring?
Vlasnica ovog stana je multitalentovana Mette Helena, studentkinja umjetnosti i dekorater enterijera, a u njemu živi sa svojom četvorogodišnjom ćerkicom. Lično smatram da i nije neki izazov za dvoje živjeti u tolikoj kvadraturi, ali znajući koliko raznoraznih stvari umjetnici nosaju sa sobom, a nemati mogućnost za radnu sobicu, priznajem da jeste izazov stvoriti što više ostavnog prostora a da stan ne djeluje zakrčeno, već privlačno i udobno. malo sam spetljala ovu rečenicu, ali mislim da se zna šta sam htjela reći. Tu je sklopivi 2u1 klub stočić, nadograđene police, veliki multifunkcionalni sto, 'lagan' namještaj ...ali vrhunac je ipak spavaća soba gdje su mamin i ćerkin dio odvojeni dobro pričvršćenom policom za knjige, a mamin krevet je smješten na kuhinjskim ormarićima (što je mnogo jeftinija varijanta nego raditi po mjeri) koji se mogu izrolati van da bi i prostor iza njih bio potpuno iskorišćen. Da li i vama ovaj stan daje nove ideje?


  1. Τhis is so cute and lovely! I wish I had that loft bed!

  2. So much of my style. Love every single bit of it. Thanks for sharing.


Always love to know your thoughts. Thanks for sharing


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