Well, I'll continue posting inspiring interiors pinned months ago. The reason why I was particularly drawn to this home tour on Apartment Therapy is that blue sofa. I have no words to describe it's elegant and timeless line. When times come to buy a new sofa, I'll order custom made just like this one. Back to the home tour...
...this 65m2 apartment is decorated as a compromising confrotation of two totally different styles. I hope I've phrased it correctly. The couple had a challenge "of creating a space that reflected their mutual interests (books, movies, music) without losing sight of their individual aesthetics (geek chic for him, granny chic for her)." I think they did a great job!
Nastavljam sa inspirativnim enterijerima koje sam postavila u listu omiljenih prethodnih mjeseci. Ovaj stančić mi se najviše dopao zbog tamno plave sofe, odnosno njene elegantne i vanvremenske linije.. Takođe, odlična je postavka namještaja u dnevnoj sobi, gdje akcenat nije na televizoru, već na razgovoru i druženju, a opet se tv po potrebi može gledati iz prirodnog položaja. Ovaj stan mjeri 65m2 i predstavlja uspješno kompromisno riješenje između dva potpuno različita stila - njega privlači budućnost, a nju prošlost. Lično mislim da su odlično odradili posao (iako je očigledno da je on bio mnoogo tolerantniji :D)

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love this rock collection |
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