
it's baby time... / vrijeme je za bebe...

With this post I'm checking off for this year. I had in mind to publish few more posts, but preparations for a newborn occupies me the most. We can't wait to meet the sweet little one, and the baby is eager to meet us, too. I'm off to hospital tomorrow where I'll be celebrating New Year's Eve.
Full of faith that everything is going to be just fine, I'm wishing you happy holidays, lots of smile and sparkles in your eyes...

{Dragi moji, ovim člankom se odjavljujem sa bloga za ovu godinu, iako sam imala u planu još mnogo toga da objavim u decembru, jednostavno nisam stigla...najviše zbog priprema za novorođenče. Željno iščekujemo malog cvrčka, a i on žuri nas da upozna...tako da sutra odlazim u bolnicu gdje ću dočekati i Novu 2012.godinu. Sa vjerom da će sve biti u najboljem redu, želim svima lijepe praznike, osmjehe i iskre u očima...}

photo credit: Korie Lynn photography via On to Baby


before*after: kitchen & dining area / prije*posle: kuhinja i trpezarija

It's been a while since I promised before and after photos of my childhood home, and now it's the time to show you photos of kitchen/dining area. Changes are always welcome, especially in case when nothing has been changed for decades. I wish I could keep the old wooden furniture, but it wasn't an option as I live in a small apartment. All I can is to keep visualising how the table and chairs would look in crisp white, and commode in bright pink or some other intense colour.

{Mada sam poodavno obećala fotkice moje kuće iz djetinjstva, tek sada su došle na red. I to slikice kuhinje i trpezarijskog dijela. Možete i da uporedite kako je bilo nekad, a kako je sad. Promjene su uvijek dobrodošle, posebno u slučaju kada ništa nije mijenjano decenijama, pa vremenom gubi sjaj i draž. Voljela bih da sam mogla zadržati stari namještaj od drveta i preurediti ga po želji, ali to prosto nije bilo moguće jer živim u malom stanu. A zamišljam sto i stolice lakirane u bijelo a vitrinu i dugačku komodu vjerovatno u neku intenzivnu boju. Roze? uh, to bi izgledalo fantastično!}


love this space ...

When a room speaks to me at a very first glance - it's the real thing! It's obvious that my taste varies from simple interiors to a spaces full of details where you need at least few hours to discover all the beauty. What connects all of the spaces I love is the noticeably personal, casual feel full of character. This living room feels the same. Beautifully cluttered is the hallway too, and the nursery is so playful and interesting. This is the place I could live in!

{Prava stvar je kada me neki prostor oduševi već na prvi pogled. Kontrasti u mom ukusu su veoma očigledni... od pročišćenih, jednostavnih enterijera do naglašenih prostora sa puno detalja u kojima vam treba bar par sati da otkrijete sve čari. Ono što sve te ambijente povezuje je neka nehajna ali i karakterna atmosfera, što se vidi i u ovom dnevnom boravku. Pored dnevne sobe, fenomenalno natrpan je i hodnik, a dječija soba je s ukusom razigrana i zanimljiva. Totalno enterijer u kom bih mogla da obitavam!}  
spotted on: Parlour, via House To Home


prepare your home for winter / uredite dom za zimu

Is there anything better in winter than coming home to a warm and cozy place? Spending time with family and dear friends, baking delicious sweets and drinking hot chocolate, coffe, tea or hot red wine. If you're wondering what to do to make your home the coziest, there are some tips and inspiration photos
{Ima li išta bolje nego zimi provoditi vrijeme u svom toplom i udobnom domu? Druženje sa porodicom i dragim prijateljima dok se peku kolači i pije topla čokolada, kafa, čaj ili pak kuvano vino. Ako se pitate kako da učinite svoj dom još udobnijim, evo nekoliko smjernica i inspirativnih fotki}


PANTONE color for 2012 ... PANTONE boja 2012. godine

Every year Pantone reveals the color direction for interior design, fashion, cosmetics, and graphic design. Remember the color of 2011 - addictive Honeysuckle? For the upcoming year Pantone experts think we need to continue with bold, dramatic color as energy booster, so they chose an electric reddish orange hue named Tangerine Tango. Tangerines in my garden are exactly the same color this year :)


for all owl lovers... za sve ljubitelje sova

Maybe you already know about this, but it's new for me. I thought it's good idea to tell you about my discovery - free 2012 calendar. It's not just a calendar, but a great project between My Owl Barn site and many international artists. Owl Lover 2012 calendar  is amazing ... made of so many fabulously interesting owl illustrations. Don't you think it's a perfect Christmas gift to your family and friends or even a gift to yourself... You have options to create your own free calendar among lots of great artwork or you can simply download the pre-made version.


DO!TS magazine ... DO!TS časopis

Amongst loads of online magazines I longed for a regional one, because there is so much to be said and shown. My wish came true right on my birthday yesterday, when I discovered DO!TS - magazine about handmade crafts. Authors of this fabulous magazine are two incredible creative ladies, Ivona and Marina who love all sorts of dots. Don't hesitate to flip through all the amazing tutorials and creative ideas...I've already made some of them


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