
end of October...

 This October was (still is) one of the longest months this year...for me. I was so thrilled about everything in October! I thought I will manage some time just for myself and this blog, but that didn't happened. I was re-positioned on my job and needed to adjust. My older boy went on vacation with my sister 500 km away, and I miss him so much. Can't wait to come home and give him a hug! Days are so long when we are not all together. I try to humor myself by looking at beautiful photos...this time, inspired by colours I see around me.

1 comment:

  1. Virginia C.April 26, 2014

    Wow, these pictures are beautiful. I love this last one with the different paintings on the wall. I like light colored rooms with color details. I tried to that in my house. I painted everything white and added color details like cushions or a few lamps i got from here, www.lighting55.com
    I really like the wall paper in the second picture. Adds the feeling of texture to the wall.
    Great blog, I like your ideas!


Always love to know your thoughts. Thanks for sharing


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