
new years’ wishlist

new years wishlist

1.I need and want the Truth No.3 in Black by Jana Orsolic. The quote is truly inspirational, and I want it next to the Truth No.1 in white box I already have

2. Earrings are my favorite accessories, especially  if they are long, colorful and funky like these feather earrings

3. I’m all for blue or navy now, don’t know what got into me, and this blue leather tote would go perfectly with my colorful and patterned wardrobe.

4. It’s always good to have translucent furniture in small apartments, and this acrylic side table is my choice for tight space and kid-friendly environment

5. The perfect sofa! Beautiful line… just as right size for apartment… neutral color with bright buttons… looks great just standing alone, with or without decorative pillows… That’s what I need and want badly.

Don’t you think I’m modest? 

Wish you all

Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year

with a job and regular paychecks…

roof over your head…

food on the table…

peace of your soul and smile on your face



kitchen makeover ** preobrazba kuhinje

At first it was blend and ordinary. It could be pretty with a bit of styling, but the best solution is total makeover. The layout is almost the same, except that niche is now filled with combination of white high cabinets and apple green wall cabinets mounted below the ceiling. Illuminated space in between is perfect for cookbooks and beautiful cookware. My favorite part is that breakfast bar on scrollable cabinets. So multifunctional! It can be worktop or eating area, it’s movable and it has plenty of storage – fantastic! Things that are used everyday are out on the open shelf, and there are also lovely stackable stools for additional seating or to help in reaching for high places. I find this kitchen clever and pretty, don’t you?




traditional Christmas tree

It’s finally time to exaggerate with home decorations. Candles, Christmas lights, ornaments, paper chains, wreaths, stars… glitter is everywhere and I can’t think of a person who doesn’t like that atmosphere. Here’s some inspiration for real Christmas tree, because nothing is more festive than it’s smell in combination with colurful ornaments and cinnamon cookies. Feast your eyes



bohemian bright home

What to say I haven’t said before? Don’t want to repeat myself. Everyone knows my fondness for quirky interiors, bursting with colour and personality. you just have to be that person to pull this bohemian look out. I wish I could be this brave…


Šta da kažem a da se ne ponavljam? I ptice na grani znaju koliko volim neobične enterijere, koji pršte od boja I pečata ličnosti koje žive u njima. Jer prosto, da bi se postigao ovako dobar I skladan boemski enterijer, morate biti takva osoba u svakom segmentu. Ja priznajem da se još uvijek bojim ovolike hrabrosti I eksperimentisanja. Malo fali da sve to eksplodira iz mene…fali mi podsticaj. Taman toliki da se ukućani ne protive novim, naizgled čudnim idejama. ah, valjda će I to biti…


perfect home no. 32 ** savršen dom br. 32

Just as big for a small family, this apartment had me with its colection of different credenzas and wall cupboards. Colourful picture gallery and accessories makes this home inviting and attractive, thanks to dashing gray and crisp white.
Nije baš tako mali, čak je i prostran dovoljno za porodicu, ali ono što je meni vrlo zanimljivo je način kako je obezbjeđeno dovoljno prostora za sve stvari kroz raznovrsne komodice i zidne ormariće. Cjelokupan prostor ne bi bio ovoliko privlačan i gosotljubiv da nije grafika i slika koje ga ispunjavaju, unoseći kolorit u osnovnu paletu neutralne bijele i sive.


wishing me happy 30th birthday...

Taking this (probably whole) week off because of my birthday. It's a big thing... all of a sudden I realized I'm 30! Need some time to breathe.
I am not where I thought I'll be, but wouldn't change it if I could...really. Still, let me panic a little,trying to figure out ways to speed up my wishes come true... Wish me luck :)
30th birthday

Vjerovatno cijelu sedmicu ću biti off zbog rođendana koji mi je odjednom postao velika stvar...jer sam valjda shvatila da imam 30 godina. Ček ... ček da prodišem....
Ne, nemam problem sa brojkama, starenjem (odrastanjem) niti odgovornošću, samo me lupila po glavi predstava koju sam nekada imala o ljudima od 30 godina. Nemam niti jednu vrlinu niti dostignuće koje bi zrelo odraslo biće trebalo da ima. Paničarim upravo. Nisam tamo gdje sam prije 10god vjerovala da ću biti, mada ovo gdje sam, ne bih ipak mijenjala. Samo ubrzano razmišljam na čemu kod sebe poraditi. Ako sam do juče i mogla proći kao "mala"...više definitivno ne mogu. Moram se uozbiljiti i u svom životu odlučnije postaviti stvari na svoje mjesto. Potrebni su mi principi koje sam zapostavila, unutrašnji polet i mnogo samopouzdanja. Držite mi fige :)



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