
focus on designers: stylist Karin Olsen


stylish small: kitchen with dining nook {malo sa stilom:kuhinja sa trpezarijom}

I'm smitten with this stylish small. It shows that you don't have to give up on your style no matter how small or big the room is. Just be smart about space planning. When you make a good plan, you're half way done. Write down the purpose of the room, your wants and needs, collect inspiration tearsheets out of magazines or create an inspirational folder on your computer choosing just photos that truly moves you.


love this space...eclectic mix of classic and modern {inspiracija: eklektičan spoj modernog i klasičnog}

Sometimes it's not easy to find a photo of a space that speaks to you. I'm moody today, like a cloudy and rainy day outside. Nobody shouldn't be grumpy about that, especially since I could enjoy beautiful, warm and sunny weather until today. Anyway, it was hard for me to find the space I REALLY LOVE right now, where my reaction should be WOW - I want to live here! In the sea of inspirational files I decided on this space found on ApartmentTherapy RoomForColor2011 contest because it totally reflects what I love in interiors
{Nekad mi nije nimalo jednostavno naći prostor koji bi me oduševio, i tako je danas. Neraspoložena sam, nekako mračna, više apatična...nešto kao ovaj oblačan i kišni dan. To stvarno i nije neki razlog za neraspoloženje, posebno što je sve do danas vrijeme bilo i više nego predivno. Tek danas bi se reklo da je novembar. Elem, bilo mi je teško naći fotku prostora za koji bih rekla VAU - tu želim da živim! tako da sam se u moru inspirativnih slika odlučila za ovaj prostor sa ApartmentTherapy RoomForColor2011 takmičenja jer je definitivno oličenje mnogih stvari koje volim u enterijerima. Doduše, i to je od dana do dana...}


monday home tour: hot colors for fall {jedan dom: tople boje za jesen}

After loong break due to family obligations and finishing preparations for a baby, I hope to be regular on posting again. And what's better to start with but the sunny apartment with striking orange kitchen? (I would be very happy in it)

{eto, nakon ponovne pauze, nadam se da se vraćam regularnom pisanju. nadam se, jer mi ovo pričinjava veliko zadovoljstvo i žao mi je kada ne mogu da postignem pored porodičnih obaveza i posla...a uskoro stiže i novi član porodice :)
I čime je bolje opet početi, nego obilaskom sunčanog stana koji u sebi spaja klasičan namještaj sa retro bojama i detaljima u stanu...}


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