
{weekend project} etching glass ** {uradi sam} peskirano staklo

It's time to reorganize my kitchen cupboards again. Everything is stored in jars I collected over time which allows me to keep cupboards neat. Organisation is not as good without proper labels and it's time to change mine. Perfect and long lasting solution is to apply etching cream to the glass, and the surface turns into a translucent white.
{Često sređujem i reorganizujem ormare i ormariće,jer volim uredno i pregledno složene stvari. U kuhinji SVE namirnice držim u teglama, bivšim ambalažama koje sam vremenom skupila. Jako mi se dopada dinamika njihovih različitih veličina i gabarita. Dobra organizacija nije potpuna bez odgovarajućih naljepnica koje su se vremenom pohabale od pranja...a da stalno iznova pravim naljepnice, ne dolazi u obzir. Kao da nemam pametnija posla. Zato je pravo rješenje sledeće - peskirano staklo, što se postiže nagrizajućim pastama iz hobi radnje. }
photo source: Sunset


  1. Great idea! I was just thinking about doing something like this. I may try it the etching cream.

  2. to bih baš voljela znati napraviti, izgledaju mi super staklenke! Btw, uskoro ti šaljem sličice...

  3. super cute! i just found your blog while looking for some inspiration for a mantel...feel free to come check out my blog, its more fashion inspired but I think you will enjoy it :)




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