
stylish small: kitchen with dining nook {malo sa stilom:kuhinja sa trpezarijom}

I'm smitten with this stylish small. It shows that you don't have to give up on your style no matter how small or big the room is. Just be smart about space planning. When you make a good plan, you're half way done. Write down the purpose of the room, your wants and needs, collect inspiration tearsheets out of magazines or create an inspirational folder on your computer choosing just photos that truly moves you.
{Ovaj "mali prostor sa stilom" me oduševljava. Pokazuje da se ne morate odreći svog stilskog obilježja bez obzira koliko je mali ili veliki prostor kojim raspolažete. Samo treba sve promišljeno isplanirati, jer uz pametno isplaniran prostor već ste na pola puta do ostvarenja cilja. Zapišite prvenstveno sve namjene prostorije, zatim vaše želje,ali i potrebe i skupljajte isječke iz časopisa ili sa interneta. U kolekciju slika neka uđu samo fotografije onih prostora koji predstavljaju VAS.}

photo credit: MiCasa


  1. prekrasno i praktično, boje su izvrsno usklađene a posebno mi se sviđa pod!

  2. great blog! Milijana bravo!

  3. I like that they continued the subway from floor to ceiling to the end of the wall. It keeps your eye moving, which is important in a small space! I also love that they used one wicker chair, even though they didn't have the space for three. Great image!

  4. Lovely post with awesome collection.


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